Monday, June 11, 2018

Interview with Alvita Mack author of The Boy Who Dreamt of Fire Trucks with Giveaway

by Alvita Mack
Mindstir Media
September 26, 2016
Children's Fiction / Children's Books, Cars, Trains & Things That Go, Cars & Trucks
Ages 3-7
26 pages

Tour dates: May 28 to June 22, 2018
Content Rating: G

This story is about a little boy who is fascinated by fire trucks. Throughout his early life, he has dreams about the adventures at the station and the exciting life of a firefighter. The little boy holds his dreams close until one day they become a reality.

To follow the tour please visit Alvita Mack's page on iRead Book Tours.

Alvita Mack was kind enough to stop by today and answer a few questions and leave a few thoughts along the way.
Thank you, Alvita!!!

There are many books out there about fireman and firetrucks, especially for younger listeners/readers. What makes yours different?
 I know there are a lot of informational texts on fireman and cute stories about the role of a fireman, but I haven’t read a story like this one, where the little boy is encouraged to hold his dreams near and work hard until they become a reality.

It's not easy to come up with a fresh story and stick to writing it. What advice would you give budding writers?  
I would tell budding writers to stay true to yourself and your art, don’t give up, and believe in your talent… if you don’t know one else will.

Where does you book take place? Have you ever been there?  
My book takes place at home and a Fire Station, and I have been to both places countless times (LOL)

This is a picture book not only about firemen. It also holds some wonderful thoughts and messages.
 In one of the illustrations, there is a quote that states, “I can do all things”; I say that because it is true. That quote is actually an excerpt taking from the scripture Philipians 4:13 that says, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me”.  This scripture was instilled in me early on and these words are both inspiring and powerful.

If you could put yourself as a character in your book, who would you be?
 I really didn’t want to appear too much in this book, but there is a mention about the little boy’s mom and dad encouraging him.

Again, thanks for stopping by today and taking the time to chat with us. Here's wishing you tons of Happy Writing! 

And here she is. . .

Alvita is a lover of writing, a teacher, and most importantly, a mom. Writing has always provided a creative outlet for which she finds sensible solutions. Having a son with developmental delays was very challenging for her. However, she used books and original stories to help him overcome the obstacles he faced at an early age. Alvita believes that the imagination is truly a key that unlocks the doors to an endless journey.

Connect with the author: Website ~ Twitter ~ Facebook ~ Pinterest ~ Instagram

Enter the Giveaway!
Ends June 30, 2018

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