Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Review and Interview: How to Turn Your Mom into a Monster by Aurora Whittet with Giveaway

How to Turn Your Mom into a Monster 
by Aurora Whittet
Children's Picture Book
Wise Ink Publishing
Oct 2, 2017
40 pages

Content Rating: G
Tour dates: Oct 16 to 27, 2017

Do you like smearing your lunch all over yourself? Do you fight with your sister just because she's there? Do you find yourself unable to go to bed because mysterious ninjas keep stealing your pajamas? Then you're a little monster! Guess what: Mom can be a monster too! It's up to you to make your mom's monster come out to play . . .

​To read more reviews, please visit Aurora Whittet's page on iRead Book Tours.


Turning your mother into a monster is serious business, even if it means giggles are guaranteed.

Mothers, even the sweetest most patience ones, can be turned into monsters, and this book tells how. Step by step, tips are given on how to edge mothers to the point where becoming a monster is guaranteed. Even if it takes until bedtime.

Kids are great at driving their mother's to patience's border, and with this book, pulling those moms into monsterdom is guaranteed. The first illustration, before the title page shows up, already sets the tone—one monster toots and the other laughs. From fling her purse to coloring on the walls, this is a perfect step-by-step guide on how little monsters can force their moms to join their kind. The ideas flow full swing the closer bedtime rolls around, but then, that's when mothers are at their weakest point. To aide in the fun (as if any help is needed), there's a lovely chart to help kids find the craziest excuses why they can't go to sleep. It's hilarious. It's funny. . .and watch out moms because it will give those little monsters some ideas.

As to the illustrations, they are cute and cuddly, and remind a bit of Monsters Inc. There aren't many extra details as the simple but colorful pictures center on each monster as it does what has to be done. Kids are sure to find their favorite characters and wish they could cuddle with them. The end is sweet and offers a wonderful go-to-bed moment, which is sure to lead to monster dreams. 

Summed up, this is a funny book which hits kid humor square on and is sure to create giggles and laughs. 


What genre do you write and why?
I actually write two different genres. I write children’s picture books because they are beautiful and clever and always have a fun lesson even when I sneak in things like toots. I also write young adult fiction novels to create worlds for young readers to find friends when they don’t have one, to find somewhere to hide when they need to escape and hopefully show them they aren’t alone.

Why did you write this book?
I wrote How to Turn Your Mom into a Monster because the chaos and stress of motherhood is often very lonely and hard. I wanted to create a book to bring a smile and a laugh to families at bedtime, to help them realize they aren’t alone and the chaos of childhood is actually rather beautiful.

If you’re a mom writer, how do you balance your time?
That is much easier with my picture books than my novels. With my illustrations, I often draw them during art time with my son. So, we spend that time together, which is nice. All my novels I write when he’s sleeping.

If there is one thing you want readers to remember about you, what would it be?
I’m goofy and weird and imperfect and deliriously happy, and I want to share that weirdness with my readers too.

Any hobbies or side jobs?
I’m actually a trained birth doula. So I can help women bring their babies into the world and be there with them through the hardship of labor and the moment of true love when they meet their baby.  

And here she is. . .

Aurora Whittet started out as a wild red-haired girl in Minnesota dreaming up stories for her friends to read. Today, she has completed Bloodmark, Bloodrealms, and Bloodmoon of the Bloodmark Saga trilogy, Mama's Knight: A Cancer Story of Love, and How to Turn Your Mom into a Monster. She's a national award-winning graphic designer in her day job. Aurora lives with her family in Minnesota.

Connect with the Author: Website ~ Twitter ~ Facebook ~ Instagram

Enter the Giveaway!
Ends Nov 4

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